Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bad, Wendy,bad!

I'm a bad, bad person -- yes, more than six months since I've updated this page. It should be obvious by now, that I'm not much of an updater, and for that I apologize.

So, without further ado, here's the latest bookcover!  Edits are taking place now, with a possible release date later this month (July).

 What's it about? Well, maybe Hunter Hayes and Charlie Worsham can help with that.

In my non-writing life, I spend part of my day on the air at a local country station (1077 The Wolf if you must know) and sometime songs just 'speak' to me as a writer.

Hunter Hayes' 'Wanted' is the perfect song for Dr. Abby Lewis -- her 'date' assuring her she'll '...always be wanted...' especially after so many years of scrutiny by men who thought someone less than a size four wasn't capable of being beautiful.

I first heard of Charlie Worsham during a long-weekend trip to Nashville. It was our first 'vacation' after spending three-plus years using our off-time driving to and from Wisconsin on nearly a weekly basis to care for my brother. Charlie was one of the many acts at the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman the night we attended. He played with two other people on stage, no drums, no electronics -- just pure stringed music and vocals. 'Could It Be' stuck with me since then, and I'm thrilled it's now in rotation at the station....but I digress... 'Could It Be' is Casey's song -- he's '...finally holding what I've been hoping for...'

So, as soon as I'm through all the edits and the Decadent Publishing gurus deem my story properly shined -- I'll let you know a release date. I'm sure many of you fine readers will be able to identify n some small way with Abby's internal outlook.

Thanks for reading -- and being so incredibly patient!