Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Big News - Fun Stuff

Hey everyone!

The gang over at Decadent Publishing is having their first ever chat at The Romance Studio on Wednesday, February 2nd, 9PM Eastern! Cool thing is the chat is all about the newest ROCK anthology from Decadent - RUN DEVIL RUN - featuring the authors and band members!

Drop by, chat, have fun and win stuff!!

Just a reminder: next week it's your chance to learn how to speak like a Cheesehead! JUST in time for the Superbowl! Check out A Daily Dose of Decadence the next couple of Wednesdays (well, check it out on other days too!) to learn the ins and outs of 'proper' Sheboyganese!

Happy last week of January!

---and yes! -- getting closer to seeing RESPITE on the e-shelf soon!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wow, where'd January go?!

Holy Crap!

January in nearly over! Where has this year gone?

Here's hoping everyone had a great holiday season and that this month is a great beginning of '11 for all.

I didn't make any New Years resolutions - because if I did, I would have most likely broken them by now....hey, I'm honest!  Instead of resolutions, I make 'efforts.'  I have made an effort to exercise everyday (an easy one) and to watch what I eat (a not so easy one).

Since we last talked: I have a new editor on RESPITE! She's lovingly kicking my butt and making me think, which is a good thing because not only will it make RESPITE better but anything I do from here on out.

I return to blogging at A Daily Dose of Decadence in February. If you ever wanted to learn a 'foreign' language, you might want to check it out beginning Feb. 9th. In the meatime, check out some of my earlier posts either here or there!

Happy ---belated --- New Year!