Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Bit 'Spicy,' but....

...sometimes you just have to 'go there.'

If you object to stepping over the 'moral' line of what is 'acceptable,' you may want to stop reading now, because ---yes--I am going to push my pal, Deanna Wadsworth's latest story, Bear It All. (and, 'bear' is used properly in the title.)

DW and I became fast friends when we ran into each other (nearly physically) at a Maumee Valley Romance Writers of America meeting. At the time we both wondered what the HELL we were doing there! But, since we both had 'people running around in our heads,' we were obviously destined to be friends. 

The people in her head, however, are a bit wilder than mine! She writes erotica...m/m erotica. And yes, I too had to ask - 'What is m/m?' Well, that would be man on man. Fill in the blanks yourself!

But, she writes m/m so well! Really!  She keeps telling me to 'come to the dark side,' and maybe some day, I might just venture there, because she certainly is selling books! (I would have to change my name again, but...)

There is another reason for mentioning Bear It All. Along with it being released on my birthday, (purely coincidence) it's also the first story in a short series DW and I are writing together. Read BIA, then my latest The One He Chose (release date August 9th) and you'll find out what happens with John and Travis in BIA.(See the woman on the cover here, well she is John's sister.)

So, whether it's m/m, m/f, m/m/f, s/D or whatever - everyone deserves a HEA or HFN. Hope you will find that with our characters in all of our stories!

(BTW...by the way...HEA=Happy Ever After and HFN=Happy For Now.) 

Happy Reading! 

Bear It All is available now. The One He Chose on sale August 9th.
Check out all of DW's titles at Decadent Publishing - and mine (well the one!) is there too!

See the trailer here!

When not playing with the people in her head, Wendy is a TV newsroom assignment manager. She lives with her chef husband and two furry feline children in the Great Lakes region of the Midwest. You can find her on FACEBOOK,Twitter @WendyBurke1994, and lurking about the internet!

1 comment:

  1. A bit spicy indeed! But you can't sell yourself short, Wen! The One He Chose and Respite will steam up your kindle screen!
    Thanks for the pimp, luv!
