Saturday, April 25, 2020

Real Pants, Real Shoes...

I put on REAL pants today, real shoes, a real bra, and a real shirt!  This, as opposed to my usual daily garb since somewhere around mid-week of March 16th, of sweats, a t-shirt, maybe a sports bra and either socks or slippers.

This 'working from home' situation is a blessing and a curse! I roll out of bed at the same time I would normally if headed 20 minutes or so to my actual workplace, but instead of some quiet time, or cranking Jon Secada or Toby Keith in the car (I know, strange combination), I head down 13 steps to the dining room table, my COVID-19 'stay at home order' makeshift cubicle. Of course, I'm not alone, Max & Wolfie are there, wondering why the hell I'm actually not leaving the house.

While they do keep me company, these two felines can be terribly judgmental.I mean, take a look at Wolf, you know he's thinking, Why don't you get the hell out of here!
That is, of course, when he's not keeping my chair warm, when I go for a leg-stretch and do a lap around the living room!

Max, on the other hand, is very 'hands on' when it comes to my daily television work. As you can see, he has a paw in every aspect of this show. From giving me 'a look' at my choice of words when it comes to scripting a tease, to actually helping me type those words. I didn't have carpal tunnel before, but if this 16 pound cat lays on my wrist any longer...

As you can see by the look on his classic orange tabby face, he's a bit serious when it comes to his managerial duties while I'm working from home.

In the meantime, there is reason to 'celebrate.' Known & Wanted, is waiting on an e-pub shelf near you, ready for purchase. One review says it's 'Awesome!!!' - yes, with three exclamation points (not my emphasis added!) So, grab yourself a copy, it would be greatly appreciated.

And come Monday, April 27th, my writing-partner-in-crime, Deanna Wadsworth's, companion story, Braving the Deep End is released, you can preorder it now if you like. Her story gives you a little more insight into the 'Martin' family of both books.

Here's hoping your favorite authors are keeping your mind off what's happening outside the confines of your home, and from being too overly concerned about the fall-out of this 'historic' event. The 'people in my head' have been keeping me company, forcing a paragraph or two into this laptop daily -- in the meantime, I'm gonna go crank out another 10 miles on my elliptical --  Joel C. Rosenberg is keeping my mind occupied, and soon, it'll be time to reread entire episodic series from Brad Thor, Vince Flynn/Kyle Mills, James Rollins and Mark Dawson.
                                                                  Happy quarantining!

  When not playing with the people in her head, Wendy has a full time job behind the scenes in television.  She lives with her cute chef husband and two fuzzy felines in the Great Lakes region of the Mid-West.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Feeling You Never Get Accustomed To

    I wonder if my favorite authors, like Brad Thor, James Rollins, Mark Dawson and more get the same feeling? One that never leaves you, and one you never get accustomed to. Maybe it's what  mothers feel when a new baby enters the picture, I don't know. I do know 'Known & Wanted' is my new baby, and the cover sprites at Decadent Publishing again did an amazing job with the cover. And, that feeling - another book being released.
 'K&W' is my seventh book with Decadent. And, I've had some gorgeous covers, but right now, at this moment, this one is my favorite.
You can preorder, 'K&W' now, or wait until Monday, April 20th when it's 'officially' released.
I would be terribly remiss if I didn't plug my writing-partner-in-crime, Deanna Wadsworth's, companion story, 'Braving the Deep End.' Deanna and I have a habit of swiping each other's 'minor' characters and telling their stories as well.

So, thank you in advance for your purchase.

I'm off to bask in the thought of 'hey, I'm really a published author!'

  When not playing with the people in her head, Wendy has a full time job behind the scenes in television.  She lives with her cute chef husband and two fuzzy felines in the Great Lakes region of the Mid-West. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Bright Spot in a Pandemic World

Here's hoping you've been finding some 'bright spots' while this world-wide craziness has been going on!

My 'real job' is at my dining room table for the time being --  producing an hour-long television life-style show with help from my constant companion, Max (aka The Moose.) When he's not stealing my chair, or disapproving of my scripting, he's laying on my arms while I'm tapping away on a keyboard. When he's not nearby (read that 'clingy') he's howling through the house. (He loves the sound of his own voice!)

My other 'real job' is a daily radio newscast for a group of stations - my 'new' recording booth is now a Ford Focus - and yes, that is a SOCK I'm using as a windscreen for my iRig microphone set up.

While all this is happening, and I'm trying to make COVID 19 safety masks out of tea towels, I have a book coming out, Monday, April 20th!  (Finally! YAY for me!) If you're a follower of this blog, you know 'Known & Wanted' has been languishing in my laptop since a local sheriff uttered to me on the phone one very early morning, 'I'm just stepping out of the shower, Wendy...' A newsroom is full of distractions -- but this on by FAR the best distraction I'd ever experienced! You can see just a 'taste' of the cover here.

Of course, as always, I couldn't have completed this project without some affectionate butt-kicking from my writing-partner-in-crime, Deanna Wadsworth. Her book, 'Braving the Deep End' is a companion piece to 'K&W,' a story about Sheriff Eli Martin's son, Michael.

You can preorder both at any of your favorite reputable e-book sellers now, including Decadent Publishing.

And just for fun, if you haven't seen it, this YouTube video spoofing my adopted home state will surely make you laugh!

Enjoy life, stay safe, stay healthy and for right now, stay home and read a book!

  When not playing with the people in her head, Wendy has a full time job behind the scenes in television.  She lives with her cute chef husband and two fuzzy felines in the Great Lakes region of the Mid-West.